New Murals (2011)

Project Hope, artwork created by artist Arvie Smith and young men and women at the Donald E. Long Juvenile Center.  From 2009 to 2011 Smith work almost daily with youth in pre-trial detention under Measure 11 at the Multnomah County Juvenile Services Division to create five 8’x15’, murals for Multnomah County’s public art collection called Project Hope. The content of the work developed in part from the youth and in part from the artist’s interpretations based on many hours of conversations about what matters to them and where they want their lives to take them. The images and places range from real to fantastical and the push and pull of warm and cool color create emotion and passion. Four of these works hang in the Multnomah County Courthouse and one is on display in the detention facility. Plans are to make vinyl replicas of the works so that the complete works will eventually be shown in the facility. 6/14